On-Demand Anger Management and Online Therapy Marketplace

Empowering You to Find Peace and Emotional Well-being


Are you struggling with anger management, anxiety, depression, or stress? You're not alone.

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+234 706 501 2496

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Certified Care
Vexxitt offers only certified and trusted professionals globally!
At Vexxitt, we understand the importance of creating a supportive environment for individuals to address their emotional well-being.
Daniel Balmun
Product Manager
Respect & Compassion

Our Services

Connect to a therapist online, get a quick consultation, book & pay for a therapy session.

Vetted & curated people with rich experience in career, health, finance, law, education, etc.

Anonymous call with any of our pacifiers of your choosing & have them listen to your rant.

Our certified Physicians and medical practitioners will diagnose, treat and manage your health.

Place In-bound and Out-bound Apology calls for reconciliation and forgiveness.

 Experience the power of connection, understanding, and shared experiences in a  community

We at Vexxitt, understand the challenges that come with managing anger and trauma.

That’s why we’ve created a platform that connects you to a network of qualified therapists who specialize in anger management and various other fields.

Our therapists are carefully vetted and curated, ensuring that you receive guidance and support from experienced professionals.

Our team of Vexxitt Counselors comprises individuals with rich experience in different areas, including spiritual matters, health, finance, law, career, and more.

They bring diverse perspectives and insights, enabling them to address the underlying causes of your anger and guide you towards healthier emotional responses.

With their guidance, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and develop effective strategies to manage your anger.

Sometimes, all you need is a listening ear. Our Vexxitt Pacifiers are here for you. You can make an anonymous call to a person of your choosing, be it a man or woman, regardless of age, tribe, or religion.

They are trained to provide a safe space for you to express your feelings and frustrations. Whether you want to vent, rant, or seek validation, our Pacifiers are ready to listen without judgment.

It’s a cathartic experience that allows you to release pent-up emotions and find relief.

Our telemedicine service allows you to conveniently access healthcare professionals and receive expert medical advice from the comfort of your own space.

Overcome common obstacles to accessing healthcare, such as long wait times, transportation challenges, or limited availability of specialists in your area. Our user-friendly platform allows you to schedule and attend virtual appointments at a time that suits your schedule, eliminating the need for travel and saving you valuable time.

Are you vexing? Do you have something you want to get off your chest? Welcome to Vexxitt Paramood, a space where you can freely express yourself.

Share your thoughts, frustrations, and experiences with a supportive community that understands what you’re going through. Here, you’ll find a place to para (vent) and connect with others who can empathize with your emotional state.

It’s a platform designed to foster understanding, provide comfort, and promote healing.

This unique service aims to facilitate meaningful and empathetic communication by providing both inbound and outbound apology calls.

Vexxitt Apology Calls provide a unique and transformative experience, allowing individuals to seek or extend apologies in a supportive and structured environment. Through our Inbound and Outbound Apology Calls, we aim to promote emotional well-being, facilitate healing, and nurture understanding, both for those seeking apologies and those offering them.

This Unique service helps to heal relationships.


Start your wellness journey with Vexxitt

Our platform offers a safe and confidential space where you can freely express your emotions and feelings without fear of judgment or consequences. Whether you prefer phone or online sessions, our trained professionals are here to listen and provide the necessary support to navigate through difficult emotions or situations.

Great Customer care
Our staff respond every time with a big warm smile even if you can't see them.
Let the Numbers Speak
We prioritize your comfort and privacy, every infomation is safe and secure.
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